The Wind is Reading, Reading the Wind is an exhibition in the form of two new works contemplating on, and unfolding, the presence of wind through text, video and sound.
In the sound and video installation The Wind is Reading we see a tableau of books lying in the sand while we listen to their pages turning in the wind. We follow the books for several days, at different times of day and in different weather. Next to the video, a 300 pages book with the title Reading the Wind is placed in cardboard boxes from the print factory, ready to be distributed.
The book contains a collection of wind names of the world and short descriptions of their characteristics, all gathered from various geographical, meteorological and encyclopaedic works. The two different works– each an attempt to represent something that avoids representation, to collect something that eludes being collected– offer a meditation on the immaterial and ephemeral, the migrating and transforming qualities of the wind.
Supported by Arts Council Norway and Knut Højgaards Fond.