The field of sound-based contemporary art encompasses a large number of practices including performance, installation, sculpture, electronic art, kinetic art and music.
From being an experimental field in opposition to both the concert arena and the gallery context, it has developed its own tradition with galleries and curators around the world dedicated to its production and presentation. There is a growing number of emerging artists working in the field and a vast development of new art concentrating on issues related to sound, and responding to various sites and contexts. Because of the ephemeral nature of many of these art works, the discussion rises on how to preserve them for the past and how to present them to collectors and museums.
Ephemeral Sustainability discusses these questions through presentations, panel conversations, performance and concerts with leading professionals in the field. Is it only through documentation and ear witness reports that this art can be appreciated in hindsight, or are there other strategies to strengthen the bonds to the past? Is this field of art in its nature and ideology impossible to transport, collect and re act, or does it have a potential in more traditional art collections and museums? Do we need a new practice and new venues to collect and present this art or is it possible within the frames of already existing structures and organisations?
Featuring Sarah Cook (CA)- Barbara London (US)- Christina Kubisch (DE)- Salomé Voegelin (CH)-Christoph Cox (US)- Helga de la Motte-Haber (DE)- Anne Hilde Neset (NO)- David Toop (UK)- Julia Gerlach (DE)- Carsten Seiffarth (NO)- Tore Honoré Bøe (NO)- Per Platou (NO)- Lars Mørch Finborud (NO)-Aernoudt Jacobs (BE)- Signe Lidén (NO)- SØS Gunver Ryberg (DK)- Kabir Carter (US)- Edwin van der Heide (NL)- Maia Urstad (NO)- Seth Cluett (US)- Nicole Gingras (CA)- Daniela Cascella (IT)- Asbjørn Tiller (NO)- Joost Fonteyne (BE)- Anne Marthe Dyvi (NO)- Gruenrekorder (DE)-
Raoul Mörchen (DE)- Lemur (NO/NL/UK).
The conference Ephemeral Sustainability will look at these questions from different angles. Over three days a number of lectures and conversations will follow discussions and examples of “good practice” and possible standardisations. The content of the conference will take advantage of the Resonance network.