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Felix Thorn

Felix Thorn kommer til Bergen med sine fantastiske instrumenter! Felix Thorn er en svært ung musiker som har bygget sine automatiske instrumenter på rommet hjemme i Syd-London. Instrumentene styres av en datamaskin og spiller hans komposisjoner, som et moderne automata-orkester. Han ble for alvor presentert for kunstverdenen i fjor med en utstilling på Gasworks. Han blir på Lydgalleriet i to uker og skal holde to konserter i tillegg til utstillingen. 

Felix Thorn comes to Bergen with his amazing instruments! Felix Thorn is a very young musician who has built his automated instruments in the room at home in South London. The instruments are controlled by a computer and play his compositions, like a modern automated orchestra. He was seriously presented to the art world last year with an exhibition on Gasworks. He will be in the Sound Gallery for two weeks and will host two concerts in addition to the exhibition.