September 15, 2018

Superare Sensibus

Photo: Marie Vallestad/ Lydgalleriet

Lydgalleriet and KNIPSU emigrate to Laksevåg this weekend, organising Superare Sensibus, focusing on full contact perception. Participating artists are asked to frame their work in relation to different soundscapes, aspiring to arouse all senses of the audience.

The particular expressions experienced during the evening of Superare Sensibus slide in and out of each other, creating an ambience that can be smelt, heard, tasted, felt and touched. The event is developed freely after the system 'Arts of Sensuality', a system both categorising og de-categorising what kind of sensitivity we as humans need in order to sense the world.

Curated by Hilde Jørgensen, Tarik Hindic and Julie Lillelien Porter.